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2 posts tagged with "Web3 Development"

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· 4 min read

Most of global RPC and blockchain infrastructure traffic will settle on permissionless protocols.

At Grove, we think about this everyday. We have a unique vantage point being the first and largest RPC provider built on a permissionless network. The signals are clear:

RPC providers, and other independent companies, are choosing to operate their own gateways on Pocket, or settle their traffic through Grove, rather than run all of their own nodes. Many Pocket Network community members want to operate their own gateways. New decentralized RPC networks have launched in the last year. Many companies and projects are exploring the value of decentralized node networks as they push up against cost and scalability hurdles. We have the ability to serve the infinite number of permutations that web3 developers need by virtue of building Grove on Pocket Network.

· 3 min read

Today we are excited to announce the first phase of Grove’s new Portal design. This redesign project has been long awaited and we are so excited to finally share it with you. The goal is to do more than change the look of the Portal. We now have a foundation that enables us to provide the highest quality data, empower new gateways and build features that will allow our users to customize their stack with little complication.