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Polygon is an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution that offers a framework for creating and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks. Polygon's supported methods provide developers with essential tools for network interaction, enabling activities like balance queries, transaction executions, and smart contract operations, thus streamlining decentralized application development.

Polygon on Grove

Grove's integration with Polygon enhances access to its Layer 2 scaling capabilities, empowering developers to efficiently leverage Polygon's network in their projects.

Supported Chain Endpoints

BlockchainChain PrefixRelayChainIDBlockheight
Polygon Mainnetpoly-mainnet0009Latest - 127 blocks
Polygon Archivalpoly-archival000BAll block heights
Polygon zkEVMpoly-zkevm-mainnet0074Latest - 127 blocks
Polygon Amoyamoy-testnet-archivalA085All block heights

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