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Get an immediate and detailed view of your application's interaction with blockchain networks, offering real-time visibility into performance and usage. These insights empower you with immediate data, facilitating on-the-spot decision-making to optimize your application's functionality and user experience.

Total Daily Relays

The cumulative number of requests your application sends to the blockchain each day. Monitoring this metric in real time allows for agile adjustments, ensuring efficient capacity management and optimal response to user demand.

Average Latency

Measures the average response time from the network to a request made by your application. Essential for maintaining a responsive application, real-time latency tracking helps identify and rectify performance bottlenecks swiftly.

Success Rate

Calculates the percentage of requests completed successfully without errors. A real-time view of your success rate offers insights into the reliability of your application, enabling quick actions to uphold service quality.

Error Rate

Indicates the percentage of requests that result in errors. Instant visibility into error trends allows for proactive troubleshooting, enhancing user experience by minimizing disruptions.