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Solidity & Vyper – Truffle


Truffle is a JavaScript based EVM development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline.



Basic Usage

Truffle allows you to configure networks through a networks object exported in the truffler-.config.js file. Here’s an example of adding networks for Ethereum and Polygon, both mainnet and testnet.

const APP_ID = "<APP_ID>"

module.exports = {
networks: {
mainnet: {
host: `${APP_ID}`,
port: 80,
network_id: "1",
goerli: {
host: `${APP_ID}`,
port: 80,
network_id: "5",
polygon: {
host: `${APP_ID}`,
port: 80,
network_id: "137",

Note, the chainId is not related to the Pocket Relay Chain ID, but rather, the value returned by eth_chainId.

From here, you’ll be able to connect your truffle console to Pocket as follows:

truffle console --network mainnet