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Application Security

Grove provides an extensive suite of security settings, allowing you to fine-tune the security measures applied to your application. These security settings, when judiciously applied, form a comprehensive security framework for your Grove application. Tailoring these settings to your project's specific requirements allows you to construct a fortified environment, minimizing vulnerabilities and protecting against the unique risks presented by blockchain technology.

Secret Key Required

Enforce stringent security by requiring a private secret key for all incoming requests. This ensures that only authenticated requests with the correct secret key are processed.

  • Toggle: Easily activate or deactivate the secret key requirement as needed for enhanced control over application access.

Approved Chains

Narrow down the blockchain networks your application can interact with, effectively preventing any interaction with unauthorized or unintended networks.

  • Add Chain: Seamlessly integrate a blockchain network into your application's approved list, specifying which chains are permitted.

Whitelist User-Agents

Control access based on the HTTP User-Agents, allowing only recognized agents to make requests. This feature is crucial for blocking unwanted or potentially harmful traffic.

  • Add User-Agent: Input and register the User-Agent strings you trust, creating a customized access list for your application.

Whitelist Origins

Specify which HTTP Origins are authorized to interact with your application, creating a secure boundary that only permits requests from known sources.

  • Add Origin: Define and add the allowed origins, ensuring that your application communicates exclusively with trusted entities.

Whitelist Contracts

Limit interactions to predefined smart contract addresses. This selective approach ensures that your application's blockchain interactions are restricted to specified contracts.

  • Add Contract: Designate and whitelist specific smart contract addresses, narrowing down the contracts your application can engage with.

Whitelist Methods

By specifying which RPC methods your application can use, you prevent unauthorized operations and misuse, ensuring that only intended functionalities are accessible.

  • Add Method: Choose and restrict the RPC methods available to your application, safeguarding against unintended or malicious use.